And what now?


And what now?

12 October 2019

Los saltos base son una disciplina de riesgo, pero lo es todavía más si saltas con un paracaídas roto. En un cambio laboral a cierta edad el sentimiento es bastante similar, pero en ocasiones, más de la que pensamos, un cambio es una oportunidad.

Base jumping is a risky discipline, but even more if you jump with a broken parachute. In a job change at a certain age, the feeling is quite similar, but sometimes, more than we think, a change is an opportunity.

Even the most planned change is always a traumatic act, at least for me it is  to change jobs at… well, at a certain age! With the perspective of time I can say that it is like everything, a matter of luck. Yes, luck of, in general, finding the same or something better than what you leave behind. In my case, the arrival at Mindden has meant a change, obviously! But I cannot say that it was good, it was far superior to the idea of good. My arrival at Mindden Soft Tech was the beginning of a stage in which my day-to-day has become an enriching experience, which I enjoy with enthusiasm, satisfaction and a great feeling of belonging and pride.

We are growing more and more every day, but that does not make our philosophy change, first it is the people, both those of us at Mindden and our customers, and that makes us even bigger. That is why I recommend to all those who are considering a change, that they focus their requirements more on the company´s philosophy and not so much on the economic aspect, since the latter hardly compensates with an unsatisfactory day-to-day.

To all those who are considering a change, or who are forced to do so, I wish them the same luck that I had, and that they find a company like Mindden, a company to enjoy.