MindDen gives visibility to women in the technology sector
29 June 2023
The commemoration of 8 March as "International Women's Day" is the result of more than a century of feminist demands in the struggle for equal rights between men and women. This affects the economic sector as well as the social and labour sectors.
Today, there is still a long way to go, but it is only fair to recognise and thank our predecessors for the fact that we have achieved equal rights in many sectors.
In the field of technology, MindDen’s field of action, there is an undeniable gender gap that is justified by the fact that women are significantly less interested than men in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers.
Fortunately, the trend is positive as reflected in the report “Women and Innovation 2022” prepared by Women, Science and Innovation Observatory (OMCI) under the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
The corporate culture established at MindDen claims equal opportunities and equal rights between men and women. In order to strengthen and promote the empowerment of women in the local and global technology sector, we adopt different inclusive measures. Here are some facts to back us up:
- 50% of senior positions are led by women.
- We sponsor projects that put women in the spotlight, such as “WomenTechMakers”. An initiative organised by Google to give visibility to women in the field of technology.
- Three years ago, we implemented the “Equality Plan” with the responsibility of developing a company that is committed both professionally and socially. Our corporate responsibility policy is the result of this commitment.
- In order to make the role of women in the ICT field more visible, we give a voice to the female professionals that make up MindDen through different communication channels. Proof of this are the various news published in the press or on our website about Data Science, Industry 4.0 or recruitment.

It is important to note that the personnel selection process carried out by our team of recruiters is determined by the abilities and capabilities of those professionals, regardless of whether they are men or women. Their qualification for the job is what decides the final choice.
In addition, the salary is based on the functions performed, regardless of gender.
Thanks to the increasing interest of women in the technological field, we can see a progressive increment of female incorporations in our work teams.

Professional women in MindDen
(By date of incorporation) Eugenia, Manuela, Marien, Verónica, Ana B., Gema, Irene, Yolanda, Mary, Ruth, Isabel, Elena, Greta, Laura A., Mariola, Diana, Ángela, Laura T., Sara, Marina, Jeniffer, Isis, Felicia, Natalia, Caro, Lucía, Mireia, Claudia, Eva V., Ana Ll., Valentina, Beatriz, Eva M. and Sonia are the professional women who make up MindDen. They belong to different disciplines with training and experience that enrich the company as a whole.
MindDen would like to express its gratitude and recognition to each of them for their daily contribution to the objectives’ achievements. Without forgetting those who have passed through here during these 6 years of life. All of them are a benchmark in the technology sector, inspiring girls and women to follow in their footsteps, fulfilling the valuable and necessary function of attracting talent to this promising world of technology.
#bemindden #bewomanintech
A bit of history
The origins of the feminist movement date takes us back to 1848. Suffragettes and abolitionists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott brought together hundreds of people at the first national women’s rights convention in New York, protesting against the ban on women speaking in public at events and, specifically, at the slavery convention.
From this first mobilisation onwards, more and more frequent demands followed.
On 8 March 1857, the so-called garment workers in the New York textile industry went on strike under the slogan “Bread and Roses” to demand equal pay and fairer working conditions. Two years later, they formed their first union.
On 28 February 1909, “National Women’s Day” was celebrated in the USA.
And in 1910, at the Second International Socialist Women’s Conference in Copenhagen (Denmark), German politician Clara Zetkin proposed setting March as the official global date to commemorate the movement.
From then on, in March of the following year, the first “International Women’s Day” was celebrated in several European countries, demanding the right to vote and to hold public office, as well as the right to work, to vocational training and to non-discrimination at work. The 19th was chosen to commemorate the Revolution of 1848 and the Paris Commune.
In 1936, “Women’s Day” was celebrated for the first time in Spain.
It was not until 1977 that the United Nations officially recognised March 8 as “International Women’s Day”.
It has been celebrated in the USA since 1994.
In Spain, on March 8, 1978, the government authorised the first protest in Madrid.
And why is the colour purple identified with “International Women’s Day”? There is no agreement among historians, but legend states that the reason is due to the strike called by the women workers of the “Triangle Shirtwaist” textile factory on March 25, 1911 in New York. During their struggle for equal rights, a fire broke out in which hundreds of women died. The plume of smoke that was generated afterwards was said to be purple as a result of the purple colour of the fabrics. From that moment onwards, purple began to be linked to 8M.