Interview with Natalia Gavaldá, our female reference in Data Science


Interview with Natalia Gavaldá, our female reference in Data Science

15 June 2023

The newspaper "El Economista" has taken as a representative in the field of Data Science our colleague Natalia Gavaldá. A reference not only for her professionalism but also for being a woman.

Since the beginning of her career at MindDen in June 2019, Natalia has developed different projects in the field of data and, working mostly with colleagues, she recognizes that “I have never felt displacement or gender differentiation in the workplace. I have always been valued for my abilities and skills, as well as my human qualities, but never for the fact that I am a woman“.

Statistically, the gender gap is much wider in the technology sector than in other economic sectors in Spain. Our colleague has reflected on why this absence of women in AI and Data Science, as well as what measures to take to address this labor inequality.

It is a reality that jobs are evolving towards digital, so it is increasingly necessary to implement actions to ensure that the gender disparity in the workplace does not increase. For this purpose, we have developed an “Equality Plan” that includes internal initiatives to integrate women in our industry and, specifically, in MindDen. We leave you the news in which we report on it.

Natalia recognizes that to achieve a paradigm shift, it is necessary to address complementary actions from different areas of society such as education, communication and technology.

“One of the key areas would be the dissemination and disclosure by female experts of the opportunities that exist in the world of technology and data science. We should give more visibility to women who are dedicated to this discipline to reach others who have not yet considered dedicating themselves to this area”. Having role models is fundamental to inspire girls and women who are unaware of STEM careers.

At the same time, it is important to highlight the variety of professional opportunities in the area of data and its continuous growth in demand. Also, among the working conditions, the possibility of teleworking is favored, which, allows to reconcile personal and professional life that is complicated, in some cases, for women. “In my case, I work from home, with a flexible schedule and by objectives. This allows me to reconcile and maintain an absolute balance in my professional and personal life. I organize myself professionally to meet certain objectives within established deadlines. If ever my personal life were to be present with new challenges, I am sure that it could be perfectly reconciled in my current situation.”

Finally, our colleague proposes to promote STEM careers by and for women through scholarships or mentoring actions, among other actions, which will boost their interest in the technological field. “The key is to push the future to take the first step”.

At MindDen, we are very proud to have Natalia Gavaldá as part of our staff, a professional of reference who, in addition, collaborates with our “Equality Plan” to end certain professional stereotypes and encourage other women to the world of technological skills.

You can read the full interview HERE.