29 June 2023
Friday, 16th December 2022, 20:00h, Meliá Hotel in Alicante. Famous movie characters, superheroes and superheroines, villains,... from the four corners of the Spanish geography gathered with a common goal, to celebrate their peculiar 🎄Christmas dinner🎄.
And that’s how we are at MindDen. When we shut down the computer/shut down the computer, we organise events, lunches, dinners, gatherings, parties,… all sorts of things because we like to get together, because “we give it our all” and because MindDen rocks!
We started the evening with a cocktail with a
Mediterranean view, followed by a dinner with a special starter: a corporate rubber ducky from MindDen. The reason for this detail can be found in “the rubber duck method”. A theory that explains that when a programmer faces bugs during their working day, if they explain this problem to the duckling, by verbalizing it out loud, our brain processes the information more carefully and the solution appears. It was a surprise for everyone and is now part of our welcome kit.
As a prelude to the party, the “best costume” of each table was chosen by popular vote. From those selected, three prizes were awarded by chance: the first a Nintendo Switch, the second a Marshall bluetooth speaker and the third a Xiaomi Mi watch lite.
Around 23:00h. our own theme party started until the early hours of the morning. We enjoyed the rhythm of the music and, without expecting it, we were surprised with some spectacular violin playing.
Many left wanting more and ended the night with pizzas and chatting in the flats where they were staying.
Hundreds of photos, videos, toasts, dances, laughs, anecdotes,… in short, good vibes, were the predominant note of the whole night. The next day, the hangover was none other than “when is the next one? and… that’s where we are!