We introduce our new website.
28 February 2020
After a while dedicated to reflection and work, we publish our new corporate website, improving its appearance and adapting it to the current Mindden dimension. It has been a long process, but we certainly believe it was worth it.
Some species of crabs change shells throughout their lives, as they grow and their skills increase.
The process of changing shell is a complicated moment, because until that moment, the crab has been living in a house that has gradually become too small.
This process of change had arrived for Mindden and we have been working for months to change our “digital house” because the one we had, and like the crab, needed to be resized and adapted to the new capabilities adopted throughout this time.
But we have finally found a new place where “to be” that is closer to our needs and that reflects better what we are and we hope you are going to like it as much as we do.
We have now a lot of work in order to complete this digital space, we will keep you informed of our progress, in the meantime we invite you to visit it and tell us what you think about our RRSS.
Mindden team